
GamifyEU Ideathon – call for participants!

Youth for Exchange and Understanding (YEU) is looking for 30 participants to attend an online Ideathon, part of the GamifyEU project. Enter a 48 hours cllaborative challenge together with your peers from all over Europe and show us what the European Union of your dreams would look like.

Aim of the Ideathon: The aim of the event is to make young people engaged in a creative-thinking, solution-finding process during which they will learn new things, develop an idea, prepare a pitch and compete with the other participants, all the while working as a team.

The main aspects of the initial programme are:

  • Develop creative-thinking skills;
  • Develop solution-finding skills;
  • Develop pitches and presentations skills;
  • Team-working skills.

Profile of the Participants: The call is open to all young people aged 16-30 from anywhere in Europe. Participants who already have a team can apply all together. If not, they can apply individually and teams will be made at the start of the event. Special skills are not needed, just an open mind and team-spirit.

Timeline: The dates for the Ideathon event are the following: from Friday 26th of March at 18:27 CET to Sunday 28th March at 18.27 CET. There is no need to be online for 48 hours straight. There will be moments where all participants will be all together online.

Technical matters: The Ideathon event will take place online through the interactive platforms Gather.town and Zoom.

Deadline for applying: Applications to be submitted latest March 19th 2021 at 23:59 CET.

Link for apply: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCNBPgt1XVMdakBf1xCycnpwRP0gJRxoMYhQeurQM1REWS9w/viewform

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